Another year around the sun

Today’s my birthday.
Generally I like celebrating birthdays. I definitely enjoy celebrating for others. If you make the mistake of mentioning the date of your birthday, you will most likely hear from me when your birthday rolls around. And most of the time I enjoy celebrating my own birthday.

I’ve had a few birthdays where I’ve been pretty low. I remember very clearly how depressed I was on this day 10 years ago.
Bless my sister – she picked me up and took me to town to buy some candy to cheer me up. I was in a foul mood that I couldn’t shake and really didn’t care if I didn’t make it to the next day let alone another birthday. A few things were happening at the time that fuelled the depression. I haven’t had to experience those things again, and I am truly grateful!

Speaking of my sister, for three years running she made me epic birthday cakes!
Which made my 2018, 2019 and 2020 birthdays extra special. For each of these years I also celebrated my birthday by livestreaming with amazing people from around the world for the Sunshine Summit events! Not being able to continue the Sunshine Summit has been something I have really missed.

The highlight of my 2021 birthday was a care package sent from my dear friends Mr & Mrs Angry Ducky!

Today I have taken the day off, I’ve baked myself a cake and I’m about to jump into voice-chat in my Discord community for a much needed catch up and global celebration.

I don’t enjoy cooking or doing anything remotely domestic on my birthday. So if there’s an opportunity to go out to eat or get something ready-made, I’ll gladly accept.

Since I share my birthday with St Patricks Day, I also avoid the colour green and have often had to book well in advance to reserve a table because of the St Paddy’s Day festivities. I don’t often go out on my birthday. Especially not the last 3 years and unlikely going forward.

Do you celebrate birthdays? If so, how do you celebrate?

Either way, I just want you to know that you matter. And I’m celebrating you today too!

Just Heather x