In 2019 I had worked really hard, saved up and booked flights for May of 2020 to visit the USA for 1 month.
While in the USA I was planning to meet many of the incredible people I’ve had the chance to get to know since 2017 through my podcasting journey.
And another highlight I was looking forward to was with my podcast network Geeks Rising, we were going to be presenting a panel on podcasting at a large event.

The pandemic stopped everything, and the worst part wasn’t that I never got a refund or airline credit, it was that it crushed the dream to be able to finally meet everyone in person.

Naturally, everyone has had a rough time since then. People have suffered a lot of loss personally, financially and our well being has been well and truly tested at best…

While I am continuing to save for my trip, and I usually find it very hard to reach out for help, I would like to ask for help.

If you’re able and would like to help me get from New Zealand to the USA, and even more so if you’re in the US and would like to meet up, please consider donating!

I have the following options:

Via my Ko-Fi page:

Or if QR codes are your thing:

QR Code for the GiveALittle Donation Link

Donors will be able to join me!
Wherever you are, you’ll be able to join me virtually as I share the trip.
If you’re in the USA – we’ll possibly be able to meet in person depending on the funds we’re able to raise and where you are located in the US.
Donors will able to stay up to date with all the information by getting access to a special Discord Community set up specifically for the USA Tour!
If you’d like to take advantage of this – follow the instructions after pledging on Ko-Fi or if you use the Givealittle page: send me an email with proof of your donation and your Discord user ID.

For the May 2020 trip, it was 4 weeks of a pretty full itinerary!
Though there was at least one stretch of down time, and a few other slower moments scattered in between. I had a lot of people I wanted to connect with as well as a few events.

There are still many people I’d love to visit!
And many places I’d love to explore.

<< Thank you so much for your support and I can’t wait to share this adventure with you! 💖

For the upcoming tour, planning will happen as the budget grows and I’ll share the updates as we go.