Just a first post…

January 9, 2021

This idea has been ruminating for a while.

I’ve been looking for a way to creatively share things that I’m passionate about, and also the things that I am working on. And, of all things, the naming of this project was inspired by my Minecraft username: JustHeather. One day in a Discord voice chat, I was tempted to join friends playing together in an online server. When I appear in-game someone will say “Who’s that? Oh, it’s JustHeather.”

Hi, I’m Heather. Just Heather.
That might sound a bit self deprecating. I wear too many hats usually and so it’s actually a relief to have a space where I am just Heather. You may know me from my YouTube Channel which is self-titled: Heather Welch. Or from my first real foray into content creation with a journey sharing my off-the-power-grid living and lessons from nature in the form of Sunshine & PowerCuts, which includes a podcast, or my social media handle SunPowerPod with chill streams on Twitch, a handful of tweets on Twitter and photos on Instagram. Or perhaps from my collaborations with Geeks Rising, the podcast network that Sunshine & PowerCuts is a part of.

Or, you may not know me.
But perhaps, you might like to get to know me, and join me on this journey.

Outside of content creation, I have a lot of roles in my personal life.
And I also struggle with all of it. My mental health is something that I need to work on every day. Depression, and in winter I am particularly impacted by Seasonal Affective Disorder. My main challenges are setting boundaries, and self-care. It’s hard to make time for yourself. The adage that you can’t give to others from an empty cup rings true… I need to work on reconnecting, recharging and re-syncing myself often. One thing that really light’s me up (as I like to say) is bringing joy to or sharing it with others.

From the main page you’ll see quite a few options to explore.
Blog where I’ll share short journal style entries with you. I like writing. This year I am committing to a daily routine that includes writing and I’ll share more about that in a future blog post.
Photos I love taking photos so there’s a special place for these.
Streams are an awesome way to connect, and I enjoy creating a chill stream ambience with soft music, and either mindful colouring sessions or relaxed gaming.
Podcast will be launching later this year. It will be an audio diary. There’s also a spin-off, which for now I’m keeping under-wraps.
Playlist Music is a huge part of my life. And so I am excited to have a place to share my playlist with you. It will change, and I would love to know what you are listening to as well to discover something new or share our mutual enjoyment.
Books I enjoy reading, and have favourite fiction authors as well as quite a few resources to do with mental health. Just Heather’s Books is a place to share what I’m reading in case you might like to read them too or share your thoughts.
Movies are fun. I do not analyse movies in detail. There are plenty of people who do that far better than I ever could. I just want a place to record what I’ve watched and my thoughts on them.
Cooking is not actually my favourite pastime… however I have a few recipes that I love and have a few people who’ve asked for cooking videos, which I’ve loved making.

Thank you for checking this out! If you decide to stick around, I hope that you’ll enjoy just a few things that I’ll be sharing.

Until next time,
Just Heather x