This all began back in 2017.
I started branching out into digital content creation and then began one of the best journeys – podcasting. The most amazing thing about podcasting is not just the ability to create and share your own ‘show’, it’s the connections you make along the way.
In 2019 after many many months of long hours of hard work I had saved up enough and had booked flights and accommodation for a 1 month tour of the USA in May of 2020 to meet many of the wonderful people I’ve met through podcasting and the online communities I have been a part of.
I was devastated in 2020 when the pandemic was spreading and the likelihood and then confirmation that the trip was to be cancelled hit.
And I’ve been thinking about it a lot since then.
Though times are still tough, I decided that I am going to make a concerted effort to make it happen.
In the lead up to the 2020 trip, I was very lucky to receive some incredible donations via Patreon to help towards the expenses!
And when the flights were “cancelled” in March of 2020, I never got a refund, or a credit to use with the airline when things resumed. The idea of trying to make another trip happen seemed extremely unlikely.
Not getting the money back wasn’t the worst part. It was hard – don’t get me wrong.
But it is the loss and heartbreak I feel after working so hard to be able to meet my friends and make some memories together.
While I do realise there are many other important causes out there to support, I would like to ask for help to make the dream a reality.
If, you are willing and able to contribute to my second attempt at travelling to the USA, I’ve got a specific page here with more information, or
Here are some donation options:
Donation through my PayPal
Donation through my Ko-Fi page
Donation through my Givealittle Donation page
Or if QR codes are your thing –

Donors will be able to join me on the trip!
Either virtually in a special Discord Community set up specifically for the trip.
Or in person, if you’re in the USA and we raise enough money for me to travel to where you are!

This was my itinerary for May 2020:
Fly from NZ – LAX
Recover in LA for 2 days.
Fly to Texas to visit a friend.
Fly to Florida and catch up with a few friends in the area.
Travel up to see friends in South Carolina and Atlanta. Record an in-studio podcast guest appearance.
Travel on to New York and ideally up to see Niagara Falls.
Fly back to Phoenix and spend a week there seeing friends and for Phoenix Fan Fusion. Include trip to the Grand Canyon.
Fly back across and up to Michigan, and participate in Livestream For The Cure using a friend’s studio. Go on a road trip along the lakeside.
Travel down to Ohio to visit a friend.
Then head back to LA to visit with friends and meet up with some others at Disneyland before hopping on the plane to head back to NZ at the end of the month.