7 Days of Sunshine Challenge!

Back in 2017, the first creative content I made and shared with the world was the 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge.
In March of 2024 I have just refreshed and re-launched the series with a new look, but similar feel and improved prompts and resources.

Suffering from depression, and in particular seasonal affective disorder, working on my wellbeing is something I have to do on a regular basis.
My off-grid living experience has exacerbated the seasonal affective disorder over the years and by 2017 I was feeling like I was a in a particularly dark place. I was also, at the time, a member of the Female Entrepreneur Association founded by Carrie Green. Each month we’d learn about a new topic and gain skills in areas such as social media management, content creation, sales, website creation. A lot of the foundational skills I have used for my creative outlet journey are from the learnings from these monthly learning modules. For example, I learnt how to create websites with WordPress, how to podcast, and I was inspired to create something (Sunshine & PowerCuts) to share my journey.

I describe more about the challenge here.

If you’re critically looking at the 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge you may be thinking that it’s a way to build an email list.
And while I learnt about sales funnels and building email lists, I developed this challenge as an automated email series because it is the most practical way to facilitate this type of offering.
For the renewed challenge that is now available, I explicitly state that participants are only signed up for the 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge, and will receive no further email correspondence from me.

This is crucial.

If you’re interested in the challenge, you can take part.
If you’re interested in more – I give options in the email series.
Unsubscribing is an option at any point in the process.

I want people to feel like they have a toolbox of things to come back to when they need to, without feeling any extra pressure.

Refreshing the challenge has been hugely beneficial!
It was like a deep dive for me. A reconnection to the old content, and to what brought me so much joy in the creation of the challenge. It made me think deeply about the prompts, exercises and resources to see what worked well, what could be improved, and the whole process was a challenge I relished!

I found resources I had created in 2017 – and a huge thank you to Past Heather for her energy and commitment to collecting and creating things that resonate with and support the mission to light up the world.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first edition of the 7 Days of Sunshine Challenge, and to those who are supporting and participating in the new challenge!

If you’d like to check it out, you can read more and sign up here. I would love your feedback!

Until next time
Heather x