Mid Year Review

Recently I created another video for the Geeks Rising YouTube Channel (I’ll leave the video embed below).I love these short favourites/highlights videos! They help me reflect on the good things that have helped me get through the challenges of life. Just the process of finding the things that I’m grateful for and celebrating the sparks […]

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On January 9th, it was Just Heather’s first anniversary! Huge thank you to everyone who has checked out this project and supported me on my journey! 💖 2019-2022 and probably beyond…It’s been a roller coaster of highs and lows, and that theme has continued throughout January of 2022.As we are about to move into February

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2021 Reflections

What a year.How are you holding up? A few things have helped get me through.First, foremost and always; my cat Shadow.Without him I would be lost. Secondly, my 365 journal that I began January 1st 2021. My Page a Day as I call it. It has been the most solid and consistent wellbeing practice I

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