My first ARC

Fellow kiwi Georgia Peterson is a self published author of two books: The Butterfly Sanctuary and The Stars Aren’t Ready.

I found Georgia on Instagram in 2022 when I created my bookstagram account to share my reading journey. I wanted to find community around my passion for reading, and especially connect with some other kiwi readers.

Firstly – not only is Georgia a lovely human being, I am incredibly impressed Georgia has managed to write and publish two books! I have a dream to be an author one day too. Writing a book, and self publishing is a huge journey of learning. It’s not easy, and it’s expensive. And I take my hat off to Georgia for navigating all the challenges she’s faced along the way and still managed to share her art with the world!

I had enjoyed seeing what Georgia shared on Instagram and I had interacted with a few of her posts and stories.

On January 6th 2023 Georgia reached out and asked if I’d like to read an early copy of The Stars Aren’t Ready which is releasing on Jan 27th 2023.

Uh – yes please! My first ARC!

It was super straight forward. She was able to send me a link to it through BookSirens (which I had never heard of before), and after a simple set up process I had her e-book in my digital library.

Being invited to receive an advanced reader copy of books is exciting. You get to find out what happens before everyone else. Usually it’s free. And you share your review to help promote the book in the lead up to its launch.

With the ebook at hand, I dove in, and I loved it.

On a technical note, there are a couple of things that were missed in proof reading, but as the book is due to be released soon, changes aren’t able to be made. However, those few glitches can be glossed over because the story is good, and it had me turning pages to discover where it would lead me.

I couldn’t pick what would happen. It addresses suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, trauma, childhood abandonment and neglect… and as someone who has felt those feelings and experienced things that resonate with themes of the story, this book reached me. As I wrote in my Goodreads review – as someone who loves to look up at the stars and is in awe every. single. time. I loved this book.

Spoiler alert – there’s a playlist for this book, and you should definitely listen.

Thank you so much Georgia for allowing me to enjoy your book in advance, and I cannot wait to receive the physical copy I bought to re-read the story and be reminded of the power of hope.

Just Heather x