Happy New Year – 2023

Goodbye 2022… and Hello 2023!

This year is all about regaining balance.
There were a lot of changes and upsets during 2022 that derailed things and so my goals for the year are to align all the areas of life – work, home, personal – into a more manageable rhythm.

Highlights of 2022:
In January of 2022 I had to find a solution to a difficult situation. But I took swift action, completed a lot of research and made a submission that was approved by mid April 2022! The new journey has been thoroughly rewarding, and I am so happy to be continuing with it in 2023.
It was so much fun to be part of Livestream For The Cure in May 2022 and hit the fundraising goal during our segment! Thank you so much to everyone who donated to help fund a future immune to cancer. Huge thanks to Chris Osborne, Phil Rood and Mat Demaz for being on stream with me!
Achieving my reading goal – I managed to read and record 52 books from mid June to the end of December 2022!
I have loved connecting with fellow book-lovers on Instagram!
Also, I’m really happy to have the @justheathers handle for YouTube.
The SNOW! On October 6th 2022 it snowed properly here for the first time in 12 years!
On December 23rd I celebrated living 11 years off the power grid!
Being able to spend a bit of quality time with my family at the end of 2022 was huge! We’ve been incredibly busy that it’s been difficult to make time for each other.

Lowlights of 2022:
Work sucked. Supply chain issues and lack of qualified people to help have caused huge delays. The latter part of 2022 also saw some challenges with clients, which caused unnecessary stress.
Having to take on a new business partnership in 2022 has made things financially very difficult.
Losing 2 family members within 2 weeks of each other… That was really tough. The passing of Queen Elizabeth around the same time also hit me hard as she featured in our lives here in New Zealand.
Not having time for any of my creative pursuits was quite disheartening. Being able to squeeze in time to read, which is a really low pressure activity for me (and I am a fast reader), was one of the main things that got me through 2022.
And in October 2022, my health took a turn for the worse – but the medication and lifestyle changes have been helping keep my blood pressure in check.

Goals for 2023:
Read at least 52 books. This should be easy, but it’s nice to have a specific goal to smash.
I have a couple of creative projects I am working on – but I don’t want to run the risk of announcing and launching them early, and then failing.
Make more connections – through the communities I found in 2022, and any new opportunities that arise in the new year.
Clean up my work schedule to be able to take a holiday after July – my aim is to get to Australia to visit my sister and some friends in Oz.
And continue to work towards my USA travel plans. Massive thank you to family and friends who have helped contribute to my travel funds!

What I’m looking forward to in 2023:
In January I have friends arriving soon to stay with me, and I am looking forward to catching up with them as we haven’t seen each other for a few years.
Continuing my health and wellbeing journey. I’ve come a long way since 2019, and I am incredibly grateful for the wonderful support and love I’ve had along the way to get me through it all. Notable mention: Phil Rood! He’s been amazing, especially as he’s had a challenging time himself.
I have a few books in transit that I cannot wait to receive and unbox … and then read!
I’m also really looking forward to the various Star Wars books that are being published in 2023! I have absolutely loved immersing myself in the expanded universe and new canon novels! I have no idea why it took me so long to get into the novels, as space-opera are one of the main genre I love to read!
On the note of games, I am looking forward to playing Hogwarts Legacy! Haha! I have’t had much time for games, but this is one that I have pre-ordered and cannot wait to play!

What are your goals and what are you looking forward to?
I would love to know!

Until next time, Heather x