Zachary Jackson

Zach is a friend I met through our mutual connection with the Geeks Rising Podcast Network.
He is one of the co-hosts on On The Subject podcast, with Logan and Malcolm and has also interviewed creators on Conversations With Creators.

We have collaborated on Sunshine Summit & Geeks Rising Livestreams and I have been a guest on On The Subject for Resident Evil 3 &4, Serenity & Doom The Movie.

Malcolm & Zach had a podcast called Culture Popped, which eventually merged with The Paper Robots podcast hosted by Logan, and then the three decided to create an entirely new show called On The Subject. I asked Zach how he prepares for the On The Subject recordings. Zach has also written an episode of Logan & Cody’s podcast Stuck Listening: Solomon Justice – Hard Crimes in Hard Times.

Zach is passionate about film, as a form of media to enjoy and a way of self-expression.
He keeps memos on his phone, and notes in a moleskin notepad and various other notepads that he’s kept.
He share’s a little about his creative writing process.
He’d love to make a film in New Zealand, and of course I fully support this!

Other than his connections with fellow Geeks Rising network members, Charlie Feldman and Keeley Bumford of Dresage Music have been notable connections for Zach on his journey. As well as the #writingsprint on Twitter run by John August of the Script Notes podcast.

Things that have helped Zach:
Discord for connecting and playing games with friends.
Libby app for borrowing and reading books from his local library.

Zach is working on a western screenplay which I can’t wait to see how that unfolds.

Zach has been reading:
Annihilation, 3 Body Problem and The Indifferent Stars Above.

We have a brief tangent about Alan Tudyk…

A song that resonates with Zach: Homeward Bound by Simon & Garfunkel

You can connect with Zach by:
Reaching out on Twitter:
Or Instagram:
Or support On The Subject on Patreon.

If you have a connection with Zach we’d love to hear from you!
Or if you’ve made a connection to him or something he mentioned after listening, please share them with us.
And if you know of anyone who may benefit from listening to and learning from Zach please share this episode with them too.

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